Sober living

Alcohol Headache After One Drink Causes and Treatment

why do you have a headache after drinking

Even people who are not prone to headaches will get a headache after a night of heavy alcohol consumption. One or two drinks with food and water over time might be safe for you, but three or more will produce a hangover headache for many people. Mocktails are easier to find these days; you can always lean on them. Are you tired of waking up with a throbbing headache or a migraine attack after a night of drinking? Even people who are not prone to headaches can find themselves with hangover headaches, and about one-third of patients with migraine note alcohol as a trigger for their attacks. Some people have a headache a few hours after drinking wine — especially red wine.

Alcohol and Headaches: Why They Happen and What You Can Do

It has been seen in many studies all over the world that one-third of those who suffer from regular migraines have noted that alcohol is one of the main things to trigger them off. An alcohol-induced headache may fall into many categories and whilst they are painful and unpleasant, there are things that can be done to relieve the symptoms. Alcohol-induced headaches are not only subject to those who have a history of misuse or abuse of alcohol. These types of headaches can strike anyone, of any age and background. If you frequently suffer from alcohol-related headaches, and are struggling to cut back, there are also new solutions.

why do you have a headache after drinking

Effective Addiction Treatment

  • Hangovers can last up to 72 hours after drinking, but most are shorter in duration.
  • These chemicals include tryptamines, flavonoids, acetaldehydes, and congeners among others.
  • Once it gets into your system, it is converted into a chemical that triggers migraine.
  • However, people with alcoholic neuropathy can make healthy changes to minimize symptoms and receive help for chronic alcohol use.
  • Estimates of lost revenues due to reduced job productivity and absenteeism from alcohol run as high as $148 billion a year in the U.S. alone.

A single alcoholic drink is enough to trigger a hangover for some people, while others may drink heavily and not have a hangover. A hangover is a group of unpleasant symptoms that can happen after drinking too much alcohol. As if feeling awful weren’t bad enough, frequent hangovers also are linked with poor performance and conflict at home, school and work. Drinking alcohol can result in several different types of headaches with unique characteristics. In many cases, researchers say it’s more a matter of individual triggers or other factors that coincide with your why do you have a headache after drinking alcohol consumption, like stress.

The Connection Between Wine and Migraine

  • If you have other hangover symptoms, like nausea or dizziness, in addition to your headache, then the likely cause of your headache is alcohol.
  • Gatorade or other fitness drinks may be better than water alone, but there is no scientific proof.
  • I caution patients to order a specific brand of alcohol when ordering a cocktail rather than relying on well drinks or lower-quality brands.
  • In later sections of this article, we’ll look at why certain specific alcohols are more prone to cause post-drinking headaches.

Those diagnosed with a specific type of headache may be more prone to develop a specific type of headache after consuming alcohol. Making sure to drink plenty of water during and after alcohol consumption can decrease the chance of headaches. This chemical is a vasodilator, which increases the size of blood vessels in the body.

  • However, if you find that your likelihood of getting a tension headache increases with the consumption of alcohol, you may want to avoid drinking if you have chronic tension headaches.
  • PLUS, the latest news on medical advances and breakthroughs from Harvard Medical School experts.
  • Individuals who experience severe headaches after drinking alcohol may also avoid alcohol altogether.
  • Plus, drinking more alcohol when your body is already dealing with hangover symptoms can either make them worse or only be a temporary fix before your symptoms return.

why do you have a headache after drinking

Many things can trigger a migraine, from stress at work to changes in the weather to foods like aged cheese. And for about one-third of people who have migraines, alcohol is also a trigger. With 30 years of paying close attention to consumption and the boundaries, I have evolved to limiting high alcohol, highly tannic, and heavily processed wines.

Why does red wine cause headaches? Research points to a compound found in grape skins

  • Ethanol’s diuretic effects can also quickly dehydrate you, and a headache is just one of many symptoms of dehydration.
  • The alcohol in the blood increases more quickly with liquor than with beer.
  • Downing more alcohol (the “hair of the dog” theory) won’t help either.
  • And many people are surprised to find out that it doesn’t take much alcohol to trigger them.

While the exact reasons why alcohol triggers headaches are still not fully understood, there are some steps you can take to reduce your risk and enjoy a drink without pain. Ethanol is the primary toxin responsible for why alcohol makes you drunk. Like histamine, ethanol is a vasodilator, which directly dilates blood vessels and can often trigger migraines and other headaches. If you’ve identified alcohol as a trigger for your migraine headaches, avoiding it altogether is probably best. The same is true if you find that some types of alcohol trigger your migraine headaches more than others. Avoiding migraine triggers is one of the only sure-fire ways to avoid migraine symptoms.

why do you have a headache after drinking

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But some people are more likely to have hangovers than others are. A difference in a gene that affects the way the body breaks down alcohol may make some people flush, sweat or become ill after drinking even a small amount of alcohol. Drinking even a small amount of alcohol may trigger a migraine or headache in people with migraine. People who do not get migraines tend to get a headache when consuming a large amount of alcohol. As a physician, my best advice for decreasing or avoiding alcohol-related headaches is to take steps to change your relationship with alcohol. Monument is an online alcohol treatment platform that can help provide support every step of the way.

Clusters of red wine grapes hang from a vine before being recollected during harvest in Barolo, northern Italy, October 19, 2018. The number of drinks you have, what you are drinking, and what’s going on in your life may be the primary culprits, rather than alcohol itself. It can’t prevent a migraine, but it can help stop one after it starts.

Types of Headaches You Might Feel After Drinking

Gaining a greater understanding of these headaches can be key in battling them. There are multiple ways in which you can prevent and heal an alcohol-induced headache using natural remedies. Simple things like water and certain types of food can help. One of the main problems facing those drug addiction treatment who struggle with alcohol is the alcohol-induced headache. This common problem may affect one of the 10.8 million adults in the UK who are drinking at a worrying level.

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